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This document details how to install the ICE Toolkit software and NeXtMidas for the operation of ICE-PIC6/7/8 series DSP cards on RHEL/CentOS 6/7/8.


As root,

Install prerequisite packages:

  • gcc
  • gcc-c++
  • glibc-devel
  • libstdc++-devel
  • kernel-headers
  • kernel-devel
  • tcsh

ICE Operating User

Create ICE operating user 'iceman':

useradd iceman
passwd iceman
<enter password>

Change iceman's shell to TC-Shell:

usermod -s /bin/tcsh iceman

Directory Structure

Create the following directory structure:

|-- ...
|-- mnt
|   |-- data01
|   |-- data11
|   |-- icedisk
|   `-- ramdisk
|-- opt
|   `-- ice
|   |   |-- aux
|   |   |   |-- data01 -> /mnt/data01
|   |   |   |-- data11 -> /mnt/data11
|   |   |   |-- icedisk -> /mnt/icedisk
|   |   |   `-- ramdisk -> /mnt/ramdisk
|   |   |-- pkg
|-- ...

Note that /opt/ice/aux only contains links. This is a matter of convenience so that all of the AUXes can be referenced from within the ICE tree. They can be create as such:

cd /opt/ice/aux
ln -s /mnt/data01 data01
ln -s /mnt/data11 data11
ln -s /mnt/icedisk icedisk
ln -s /mnt/ramdisk ramdisk

The entire /opt/ice directory should be owned by iceman, as well as /mnt/icedisk:

chown -R iceman:iceman /opt/ice /mnt/icedisk

Download Software

Download the latest stable ICE tree and NeXtMidas release from

Copy the ICE tree software ZIP archive, the NeXtMidas ZIP archive, and the JDK archive into /opt/ice/pkg and make sure they are owned by iceman:

cp <source path>/ /opt/ice/pkg
cp <source path>/ /opt/ice/pkg
cp <source path>jdkXXX.tar.gz /opt/ice/pkg
chown iceman:iceman /opt/ice/pkg/*

Now switch users to iceman:

su - iceman

Dearchive the software packages and make symbolic links, which makes the paths more manageable and later software upgrades considerably easier:

cd /opt/ice/pkg
ln -s iceXXX icexxx
ln -s nxmXXX nmxxx
tar -xzf jdkXXX.tar.gz
ln -s jdkXXX jdk

Temporary Files Directory

Create directory for temporary NeXtMidas files:

mkdir ~/tmp

Configuration Files

Modify /opt/ice/pkg/nmxxx/nxm/sys/cfg/ to include the following (use this as a complete example):

! Macro to initialize system specific settings.
! @author Jeff Schoen
! @version $Id:,v 1.37 2011/11/10 20:58:41 ntn Exp $

info "DEPRECATION warnings ON, to turn off edit in SYS->CFG"
debug on DEPRECATE

! portable way to define normal auxes (1 = /opt/ice/aux/data01/+/, etc.)
file name u:aux.1  (opt,ice,aux,data01,+)
file name u:aux.2  (opt,ice,aux,ramdisk)
file name u:aux.11 (opt,ice,aux,data11,+)

! define OS specific AUXes
if env.ostype eqs "UNIX"
  sedit AUX.9 AUX.9 append ",RAM,AUTO"
! sedit AUX.9 AUX.9 append ",RAM,<start>M,<sized>M"
elseif env.ostype eqs "DOS"
  sedit AUX.9 AUX.9 append ",RAM,<start>M,<sized>M"
elseif env.ostype eqs "VMS"
  ! nothing specific for VMS

! set write AUX and read AUX list
aux 1 1 cwd dat ram

path set dsp hwc

env set "HWFILE" "nxm.sys.dat.hwconfig"
res t:km "nxm.sys.cfg.keyMap.tbl"
env set KEYMAP ^km


Create the following NeXtMidas macro /home/iceman/


option ice /opt/ice/pkg/icexxx
if "/proc/driver/icepic" fexists then
  pic aux 9
hw file
aux 1 1|2|9|DAT|11|CWD|RAM|HOME


Add the following lines to /home/iceman/.cshrc, creating the file if it does not already exist:

# Red-Hat System csh.cshrc
if ( -f /etc/csh.cshrc ) source /etc/csh.cshrc
# Set environment variables
if ( "${?HOMEDIR}" == 0 ) then
  setenv HOMEDIR /home/iceman
if ( "${?TMPDIR}" == 0 ) then
  setenv TMPDIR $HOMEDIR/tmp
if ( "${?USERPATH}" == 0 ) then
  setenv USERPATH /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:${HOMEDIR}/bin
  setenv PATH ${PATH}:${USERPATH}
if ( "${?ICEPKG}" == 0 ) then
  if ( -e /opt/ice/pkg ) then
    setenv ICEPKG  /opt/ice/pkg
    setenv ICEROOT $ICEPKG/icexxx
    setenv NMROOT  $ICEPKG/nmxxx
    setenv NM_USER_JVM_FLAGS "-Xmx1024m -Xms1024m"
    setenv JAVAHOME $ICEPKG/jdk  
    if ( -e $JAVAHOME/bin ) then
      setenv PATH ${PATH}:$JAVAHOME/bin
    if ( -e $JAVAHOME/jre/bin ) then
      setenv PATH ${PATH}:$JAVAHOME/jre/bin
    if ( -e /opt/ice/bin ) then
      setenv PATH ${PATH}:/opt/ice/bin
# Set C-Shell/TCSH environment
if ( "${?LINES}" == 0 ) then
  setenv LINES   
if ( "${?COLUMNS}" == 0 ) then
  setenv COLUMNS   
# Aliases
alias ice      ${ICEROOT}/jre/ice
alias nms      source ${NMROOT}/os/unix/nmstart
alias nmstart  source ${NMROOT}/os/unix/nmstart

Now load the environment from the .cshrc file, either logout and log back in as iceman, or

source ~/.cshrc

Compile the Software

Compile NeXtMidas and the ICE tree:

nm make all
nm make all ice

Build and Install the ICE-PIC Driver

As root, build the driver:

cd /opt/ice/pkg/icexxx/drv/lnx
./icepic make
./icepic install
./icepic start

Note: If you are upgrading the driver from a previous version, first stop and remove the old driver:

./icepic stop
./icepic remove

Configure the kernel line parameters in /etc/default/grub (This example uses kernel allocated memory):

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="... ice.ra=2 ice.rd=8000M ice.rm=64M"

Remake grub.cfg:

On Legacy/BIOS systems:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

On UEFI systems:

grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/grub.cfg

Reboot the machine.

Once rebooted, log into a graphical session as iceman.

Check the that the driver loaded and verify that the requested memory buffer size was obtained:

cat /proc/driver/icepic

You should see

RamStart  : XXXX Mby
RamDisk   : 8000 Mby
RamMapped : 64 Mby

Try starting NeXtMidas and test the configuration:

nM> plot apenny

Now from within the NeXtMidas shell, detect any ICE-PIC cards that might be installed:

nM> pic detect

Note the PCI-e width and generation.