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turns ON/OFF the verify modes of NeXtMidas

<FUNC>  Specific function to verify, or the word ALL

The VERIFY mode turns on/off bits (i.e., switches) in the ENV.VERIFY results
table.  The shell is coded to write to the terminal the command support,
name, and defaulted command line when this flag is on for COMMANDS. 

bit#	function	description
----	--------	-----------
 0 	COMMands	report command lines before processing command
 1	SWITches	report switch arguments as they are intercepted
 2	QUALifiers	report file name qualifiers as they are intercepted
 3	CONTrols	report controls macro section commands as executed
 4	BEEP		beeps after each command is executed
 5	BREAk		report capture of Control-C keyboard break

Use the ENVIRONMENT command to see the current Verify bit settings in 

  nM> ver on all  ! Turns on all verification functions