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starts a shell in a graphical window

This command starts a shell in a NeXtMidas terminal window. See for details on usage of the SHELLGUI command

  Note use MESSAGE FUNC=SENDX to directly send these message to this command.
    CLEAR   - Clear text in terminal window (Since NeXtMidas 2.9.0)
    EXIT    - Exit the shell GUI window
    RESIZE  - Resize the shell GUI window

  clear() - Clear text in terminal window (Since NeXtMidas 2.9.0)

  SHELLGUI terminal keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys).
    Backspace   = delete one character to left of cursor
    Delete      = delete one character to right of cursor
    Ctrl-A      = Move to beginning of line (since 3.0.0)
    Ctrl-C      = Copy Selected Text
    Ctrl-D      = Interrupt (i.e. break any running macro and exit)
    Ctrl-E      = Move to end of line
    Ctrl-H      = Move to beginning of line
    Ctrl-U      = Clear current input line
    Ctrl-V      = Paste text from system clipboard
    Down arrow  = Recall next command in history
    Left arrow  = Move one space to left
    Right arrow = Move one space to right
    Up arrow    = Recall previous command in history
    Home        = Move to beginning of line (since 3.0.0)
    End         = Move to end of line (since 3.0.0)

  nM> SHELLGUI/theme=BoW

  /ADDPLUS- Add a '+' at the end of a line of text that is wrapped. [DEF=TRUE]
  /ATTACH - Attaches this terminal to the current shell [DEF=FALSE]
  /COLS   - Initial number of columns [DEF=100]
  /EXIT=  - Mask to allow exit by COMMAND|MENU|MESSAGE|WINDOW
  /FONTSZ - Font size                 [DEF=12]
  /LINES= - Number of lines allowed   [DEF=2000]
  /ROWS=  - Initial number of rows    [DEF=30]
  /THEME  - THEME defines the look and feel of the SHELLGUI created
            Recognized THEMEs are: DeskTop, Default, WoB, GoB, BoW, Browser,
            Gear1, Gear2, Gear3, Gear4, and Nak
  /VERBOSE- Display "Welcome to NeXtMidas <version> ..." message at top
            [DEF=FALSE in macro, TRUE in interactive shell]

See also: nxm.sys.libg.MWText,