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Send a message to a message handler or RMIF port

<ID>     handler ID or host:port
<NAME>   message name
<DATA>   message data object

Keyword-Only Parameters:
[INFO]     message info field
[FROM]     sender object template
[QUALS]    Additional message qualifiers for SEND function.

This is a shorthand for the MESSAGE SEND function. For more complete
functionality, see the MESSAGE command.

  /REPLACE     - Try to replace first matching message (name and from) in queue
                 with this message.  If not found, then message is sent
                 normally.                               (Since NeXtMidas 3.3.0)
  /SYNC        - Make sure message has been handled before completing up to the
                 wait timeout specified in the /WAIT= switch. [DEF=FALSE]
  /WAIT=<n>    - How long to wait (in seconds) for message to be handled [DEF=1]
  /XMTYPE=<s>  - Specifies the message type to use if sending the message
                 to X-Midas (see MESSAGE for details).

See Also: MESSAGE, nxm.sys.lib.Message