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turns on/off reporting of INFO/WARN/ERROR messages

<FILE> - Logging file name for ON function [DEF=midas_log.mlog]
         NOTE: any filename extension is currently overridden with .mlog.

Reports Midas INFO/WARNING/ERROR messages to a display (terminal) and/or file.

The log file is saved as a Type 3000 of NH format with following sub-records:
 1. SubRecord Name=TIME  Format=3A  Offset=0   - STD Date/time of message
 2. SubRecord Name=TYPE  Format=1A  Offset=24  - e.g. WARN, INFO, ERROR, etc.
 3. SubRecord Name=TEXT  Format=XA  Offset=32  - text of message 
 4. SubRecord Name=FROM  Format=2A  Offset=112 - source of message

Warning: Interactive commands's terminal output will be NOT be displayed when
         logging to a file is enabled, because it goes to the log file.
