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Starts the NeXtMidas shell with profiling turned on (Unix Only).

This is the same as using "nm" from the OS command line, except that it
starts the Java VM in the mode set to connect to a profiler. Prior to using
this command the NM_PROFILER_FLAGS environment variable needs to be set
indicating the necessary profiler flags.

This command is separate from nm to allow the same session to be started in
either standard (no profiling) or profiling mode.

  * This is an operating system command (aliased when nmstart is run), it  *
  * can only be used outside of the NeXtMidas shell.                       *

  1. Enter the NeXtMidas shell with profiling turned off:
       $ nm
  2. Enter the NeXtMidas shell with profiling turned on:
       $ nmprofile

See Also: