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creates a new plot layer and adds it to a plotter

<name>	- The Layer type or fully qualified class name [required] 
<label> - Results label to referencing the object [required]
<table> - Table of arguments to initialize the object via the setKey interface
<plot>  - The ID of plotter in which to add layer [DEF=""]
This command creates a new Layer object for attaching to a plotter. If <name>
is not a fully qualified class name, a prefix of nxm.sys.libg.Layer is assumed
(i.e. Geo, T5, XY,...).  

If <table> is specified, layer.setKey() will be called for each element in the

If <label> is specified, the layer is stored in the results table.
If <plot> is specified, the layer is attached to the named plotter.

The Layer classes to support plotting various types of files are:
 Layer      - Parent/helper class of other Layers.
 Layer1D    - Supports plotting Midas type 1000 files.
 Layer2D    - Supports plotting Midas type 2000 files.
 LayerGeo   - Supports plotting of geo events with TDOA/DTDOA and FDOA/DFDOA.
              NOTE: If using LayerGeo directly from Java, users need to call 
              setRef(Object ref) to set their Midas reference in order to 
              use files in the RAM aux.
 LayerGrid  - The Grid which can be applied to nearly all other layers.
 LayerImage - Supports plotting of various image types: gif,tif,jpg,png,xpm,pdf.
 LayerMulti - Supports plotting Midas type 3000 files with multiple Y traces.
 LayerPoly  - Supports plotting Midas type 1999 files (such as world.prm).
 LayerShape - Supports plotting shape and companion files (*.shp, *.dbf). 
 LayerT5    - Supports plotting various types of Midas 5000/5010 files:
                Position     - Fields: POS/VD,NAME/1A
                Ellipse      - Fields: POS/VD,ELPS/VD,NAME/1A
                EllipseFlags - Fields: POS/VD,ELPS/VD,NAME/1A,FLAG/8B
                Cone         - Fields: POS/VD,POSP/VD,CONE/VD,NAME/1A
                ConeFlags    - Fields: POS/VD,POSP/VD,CONE/VD,NAME/1A,FLAG/8B
              View the "NeXtMidas User's Guide" for more details.
 LayerXY    - Supports plotting Midas type 3000 files as scatter plots.

  1. Create a new layer.
       nM> plot/bg/id=GPLOT
       nM> new "nxm.sys.libg.LayerGeo" gl 
       nM> set reg.gplot.addlayer gl
    or, more simply,
       nM> plot/bg/id=GPLOT

    NOTE: Although NAME= is used for the Layer name here, when plotting a file
          TAG= is used to change the layer name.  For example,

            nM> plot world{TAG=mytag}

          makes the layer name MYTAG instead of WORLD.  A "*" may be used to
          address all layers.

  2. Modify properties of an existing layer.

     The layers a plot currently has are contained in "reg.<PLOTID>.layers"
     where <PLOTID> is the registry ID of the plot given by the /ID switch or
     the instance number of the plot.
       nM> plot/bg world|cities
       nM> res reg.plot.layers
       K: REG.PLOT.LAYERS = KeyVector of 3 entries
       O:  GRID           = nxm.sys.libg.LayerGrid@1c0ec97
       O:  WORLD          = nxm.sys.libg.LayerPoly@ecb281
       O:  CITIES         = nxm.sys.libg.LayerT5@1bb60c3

     Layer methods can be invoked directly, for instance
        nM> plot/bg fftdemo
        nM> set reg.plot.layers.fftdemo.color RED
     changes the plot trace from the default color to RED.




See Also: nxm.sys.libg.Layer
See Also: nxm.sys.libg.Layer1D,    nxm.sys.libg.Layer2D, 
See Also: nxm.sys.libg.LayerGeo,   nxm.sys.libg.LayerGrid,
See Also: nxm.sys.libg.LayerImage, nxm.sys.libg.LayerMulti,
See Also: nxm.sys.libg.LayerPoly,  nxm.sys.libg.LayerShape,
See Also: nxm.sys.libg.LayerT5,    nxm.sys.libg.LayerXY