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Utility functions for ICE Development (NextMidas Only)

<function>	Function to perform (RESET,ACQUIRE,PLAY, ...)
<p1>		Functions specific parameter 1
<p2>		Functions specific parameter 2
<p3>		Functions specific parameter 3
<p4>		Functions specific parameter 4

This primitive performs utility functions used in the development of ICE cards.

Currently supported functions are:

	TTF2M	- convert Altera Tabular Text File to Midas format

	BITS2M  - convert Xilinx FPGA files to Midas format

	RBF2M   - convert Altera RBF files to Midas format

	ELF2M   - convert PPC object files to Midas format

	M2XBR   - convert Midas file to Xilinx Block Ram initialization

	LST2CSP	- list file to Cadstar Symbol and Part
		P1 input <>.lst file
                P2 output <>.csa file
                P3 output <>.lib file
                /ROWS=n number of rows in part
                /PINS=n number of pins in part

	SYM2PART- convert Cadstar symbol to part (Xilinx Only)
		P1 input <>.pins file
		P2 input <>.sym file
		P3 output <>.lib file
		/ROWS=n number of rows in part

	NET2UCF - convert netlist .frs files to Xilinx UCF files
		P1 input <>.frs file (from CADSTAR)
		P2 output <>.ucfx file
		/PART=s part name in this design
		/ROWS=n number of rows in part

	GERBER  - convert gerber.usr to default.bat

	JTAG2M  - decipher jtag stream

	CRCGEN - generate a CRC value
		P1 size of polynomial
		P2 polynomial
		P3 CRC seed or initial value
		P4 number of data bits
		P5 data
		P6 label for crc result
		/FLIP bit reverse each byte in output CRC
		/COMP complement the output CRC
		/EQN show equation for CRC
		/RED reduce equation for FPGA code
