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file to file Bank Of Tuners application

<in>     Input file (complex)
<out>    Output file (complex)
<nchn>   Number of channels
<freq>   Tuner frequency (channel 0)
<dfreq>  Tuner channel spacing
<orate>  Output Rate (complex)
<gain>   Tuner gain

This command uses an ICE-CORE library to channelize a Midas file on disk.  The output is a single
type 2000 file with blocks of data frames. Each block contains one frame for each channel 
in succession from channel 1 to <nchn>.  The CHANNELS keyword indicates the number of 
frames/channels in each block.

Individual channels can be extracted using the thin command followed by HEADERMOD
  nM> thin in=blockdatafile out=channeldata start=<channel> end=-1 inc=<nchn>
  nM> headermod channeldata type=1000

  /AFLAGS=s Special flags to apply to ICE card
  /OFORM=n  Output format (SI,CI)