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finds file and returns its full path name or URL

<FILE>     - Name of file to find
<FULLNAME> - Label for full filename, including path and file extension
<AUX>      - TBD - Label for auxiliary file was found on (not yet implemented)  

FIND searches for <file> on the current read auxes.  The file name is
specified in the usual Midas way, i.e. no extension or path information
needed (although it can be supplied if desired).

If the file is found, its full name is printed to the screen and is also
returned in <fullname>.

If the file is NOT found, <fullname> will be blank, 
and a WARNING that the file was not found is given.

NOTE:  If you only want to test to see if a file is there or not, use the
FEXISTS (NFEXISTS) operator of the IF command so you can branch off of the
existence of the file.

 /URL - State switch: Form a URL if TRUE, otherwise an OS dependent path name is
        returned [DEF=FALSE]
 /VERBOSE - Show text output

See Also: IF