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opens a command's source file for editing

<name>  name of command/macro to edit
<area>  area for non-dictionary files (lib,libg)  [DEF=""]
<opt>   option for non-dictionary files (sys,ucl) [DEF=SYS]

EDIT opens an editing session for the <name> command's primary source file.
If <area> is not entered the path is determined from the dictionary lookup.  
The case of <name> is only important if <area> is entered.  Otherwise naming 
rules for intrinsics, macros and primitives are used to find the source file.

If appropriate, the file is compiled when the edit session is completed unless 
the /NB switch is present. 

NOTE: The editor must have its own window.  For instance, to use vi one
must launch a terminal for it:
  nM> result env.editor "/usr/bin/X11/xterm -e vi" 
Also, case of the editor name may be important depending on the OS.

EDIT uses the editor defined by ENV.EDITOR to edit the file:

  On VMS,  the default editor is edit/edt.
  On UNIX, the default editor is vi (with xterm -e)
  On WINDOWS, the default editor is wordpad.

To set this to another default simply set ENV.EDITOR:
  nM> res env.editor "nedit"

  nM> result env.editor "nedit" ! Set the editor.  Case is important on UNIX
  nM> edit Convert lib        ! Opens Convert.java in SYS/LIB then builds when
                              ! edit session is closed

  nM> edit CONVERT            ! Opens convert.java in SYS/PRIM then builds when
                              ! edit session is closed

  nM> edit sourcedg ,,ucl /nb ! Opens convert.java in UCL/PRIM and does NOT
                              ! build when edit session is closed
  /NB - Do NOT build file after editing if present

SEE ALSO: nxm.sys.lib.Shell