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Real time results parameter display

<results label 1:N>   Result label names or widget ids

This primitive displays a collection of RESULTS parameters polled at a user
specified interval, twice per second by default. Both ASCII and numeric
results parameters including atomic and vector results are allowed.

By default the label placed before the result value is the result label itself.
If the label contains a "/",  the rest of the label is used to name the value
in the display window.  In either case there is a limit of 20 characters that
will be displayed.  For example:

  DISPLAY  MAXV/"Maximum Value  "  MAXV   MAXV/Maximum

will create the display entries looking like (spaces in quotes are preserved):

  Maximum Value   ==>  45.3
  MAXV ==> 45.3
  MAXIMUM ==> 45.3

which will be updated as the parameter MAXV changes.

Entries can also be filenames with an index pointed to by a results parameter.
For example:

  DISPLAY FILE(capital_cities.prm).data(1,NAME)/"Capitol of Ireland"

where capital_cities.prm is a type 5000 file with a NAME record.

COLORS:  (TBD XMidas Backward Compatibility)

A different separator string between the descriptor and the value can now
be specified. The desired string follows the descriptor and is separated from
the descriptor by //. From the example above:

  DISPLAY  MAXV/"Maximum Value"//......

would display
    Maximum Value ...... 45.3

The parser will also get confused if there are a pair slashes in the
descriptor string. A string like "Rise//Run" will cause problems. The optional
separator string must be in double quotes if it includes any blanks.

The /EXIT switch can be used to control how and when the display is closed.
  MESSAGE - Close by sending the "EXIT" message
  RETURN  - Enter return while focused in window
  WINDOW  - by clicking the [X] when in a stand-alone window or any event which
            sends a WINDOW message with the data "CLOSING"

  ALL     - Exit by any mechanism.
  NONE    - Do not exit by any mechanism (except closing the Midas shell)

  /COLS=    Number of columns [DEF=40]
             may also be used.  See above for more detailed description.
             [DEF=NONE in piped mode, =ALL otherwise]
  /FONTSZ   Font size of display strings [DEF=12]
  /PAUSE=x  max amount of time in seconds between polls [DEF=0.5]
  /ROWS=    Number of rows [DEF=#args displayed + 1]