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performs NeXtMidas configuration functions

<FUNC>   String of one-letter operations indicating actions to take
<OPT>    Configuration option of the COMMANDS.CNF file [DEF=SYS]

CONFIGURE performs functions relating to command and NeXtMidas configuration.
Its most common use is to update the internal command configuration based on
changes to the COMMANDS.CNF files.

The desired functions are specified as single characters.  More than one
function can be specified.  The possible functions are listed here in the
order they are performed.

   K - Clear in-memory commands dictionary
   C - Command merge of COMMANDS.CNF file

The C, or Commands, function reads in a COMMANDS.CNF file from the CFG area of
the indicated option, and merges it with the in-memory dictionary. Whenever a
command in the configuration file matches one in memory, the one in the file
supersedes the one in memory.  You can use the MENU command to view non-baseline
commands; they are followed with a semicolon and the name of the option where
they are defined.

The configuration files are normally updated and maintained by the UPDATE
command; note that UPDATE automatically calls CONFIGURE whenever you update
a command.

The Midas environment in NeXtMidas is initialized by the nxm.sys.lib.Shell
class and the system NMSTARTUP.MM macro in the cfg area.  If NMSTARTUP.MM
exists in the LOGIN area, this is executed as well.

  /WARN   - Show warnings [DEF=TRUE]