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copies necessary files of a command from one option area to another

<command>    Command;[option] to check out, OPTION is gleaned from path if
             not specified.
<optionto>   Where to check them into (SITE, USER, or other project option)
<targetname> New command name (<command> if blank)

NOTE: This differs from X-Midas in that you may give the command to be checked
out a new name.  Also, because of Java package names, you may have to edit the
package name in the file.

If you want to make modifications to an existing command without affecting
others using NeXtMidas, use this command to copy its source code and explain
file to the appropriate directory in <optionto>.  For a primitive,
this will include any <primitive name>.html file in the PRIM directory.
For an PIPEd macro, this will include any <primitive name>.mmp1 file in
its MCR directory.

The command will be placed in your dictionary as an <optionto> command,
but the number of arguments, defaults, and abbreviation is not changed. If
you wish to alter those, use the UPDATE command.

The default behavior is to check the command out from the option on the path
where the command is first found. You can specify another by using the
semicolon in the command name (command abbreviations are always permitted).

After making your changes to the source code, the command must be built with
BLD.  If you give the command a new name you must edit the .EXP file yourself
to reflect this change.

   Checkout MYPRIM from the USER option to the PROJ option (assumes the
   path contains USER and PROJ):
     nM> checkout myprim;user proj
     MYPRIMITIVE/s=P checked out from USER option to PROJ option.