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Compile an option tree and build its support files.

<OPT> - Option tree to build

By default, this is the same as:

  nM> make "ALL" <OPT>

Override this macro in an option to customize an option tree build. When
overriding this macro to customize an option tree build it is NOT necessary
to check for the presence of any of the switches listed below (e.g. "/ND",
"/NH") since they serve only as SUGGESTIONS. The switches simply permit
the build to skip any lengthy tasks if they are not needed. (By default
everything should be built.)

WARNING: The BUILDOPT macro may not call MAKE as it will cause an infinite
  loop. Prior to 2.1.0, limited calls to MAKE were allowed, but that behavior
  was deprecated and is no longer supported.

The default BUILDOPT in the sys tree performs the following:
  1) Builds all java and native routines that it can find under the tree:
         bld/verbose all all ^option

  2) Builds the help system for text and browser use, including JavaDocs:
         help/build ,, ^option

  3) Builds a signed jar of the option tree in for WebStart deployment:
         generate/sign jar  ^option jars
         generate/sign njar ^option jars

Warning: When calling BUILDOPT;SYS, always include the ";SYS" since other
         option trees are likely to have their own buildopt variants.

    /NC - Suggests that No Code files need be built.
    /NH - Suggests that No Help files need be built.
    /NJ - Suggests that No Jar  files need be built.