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(Runs a set of unit tests.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 18:05, 27 April 2020

Runs a set of unit tests.

<OPT>   The option to run the unit tests for or the name of the individual test
        class to run. [DEF=SYS]
<RES>   The table to write the results of running the tests to. [OPTIONAL]

This will run a complete set of unit tests for an option tree. At the conclusion
of running the tests the results will be written to the table named <RES> or
will be printed to the terminal (if <RES>="").

The names of the individual tests will be read in from the unittest_config.tbl
file that should be in the test/junit directory of the indicated option tree.
The structure of the option tree should look like this:
    +- lib
    |   +- Foo  (The class to test, nxm.opt.lib.Foo)
    +- libg
    |   +- Bar  (Another class to test, nxm.opt.libg.Bar)
    +- test
        +- junit
            +- unittest_config.tbl (List of the available unit tests)
            +- lib
                +- FooTest (JUnit test class, nxm.opt.test.junit.lib.FooTest)
            +- libg
                +- BarTest (JUnit test class, nxm.opt.test.junit.libg.BarTest)

To run the test cases for a single unit test file set <OPT> to the full name
of the unit test file (e.g. "nxm.sys.test.junit.lib.UtilTest") or give the full
name of the NeXtMidas class being tested (e.g. "nxm.sys.lib.Cache").

  1. Run the unit tests for the SYS option tree:
       nM> unittest SYS

  2. Run the unit tests for the SYS option tree but with limited output:
       nM> unittest/verbose=0 SYS

  3. Run the unit tests in the class file nxm.sys.test.junit.lib.UtilTest:
       nM> unittest nxm.sys.test.junit.lib.UtilTest

  4. Run the unit tests for the class nxm.sys.lib.Cache:
       nM> unittest nxm.sys.lib.Cache

  5. Build one of the unit tests in the SYS option tree
       nM> build FileUtilTest test/junit/lib sys
       nM> build junit/lib/FileUtilTest.java test sys

  /VERBOSE Turns on/off the printing to the console of the results for testing
           each method.

  /FAILURE Prints an informational message about each failure (this is turned
           on by default if VERBOSE is on and off if VERBOSE is off).

  /ERROR   Prints an informational message about each error (this is turned
           on by default if VERBOSE is on and off if VERBOSE is off).

  /ST      Print a stack trace to accompany any error or failure error messages
           (this has no affect if FAILURE and ERROR are both off).

SEE ALSO:  CONFIDENCE, nxm.sys.test.junit.NMTestCase