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Revision as of 18:04, 27 April 2020 by ConvertBot (talk | contribs) (Display lines of text (single font and color))
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Display lines of text (single font and color)

Keyword Only Parameters 
[TEXT]  Text or Table to show initially.  Table is converted to readable

This primitive can display text in a box.  Since it uses the AWT
TextArea class, it is limited to a single font and color.  Lines
may be added via messages.  The /EDIT switch may be used to make
the text editable.  The /SCROLL switch can be used to control

Within the text window it is possible to use the cut/copy/paste
functions common to most text processing programs. They work as
   CONTROL + 'x' - Removes the selected text and places it on the
                   clipboard. (This is only enabled if "/EDIT" is

   CONTROL + 'c' - Copies the selected text and places it on the

   CONTROL + 'v' - Pastes any text on the clipboard to the location
                   of the cursor. (This is only enabled if "/EDIT"
                   is specified.)

  APPEND  - Append text or a Table to the text currently in the box
            If data is a table the key/value pairs are extracted and
            written as lines
  APPENDL - Same as APPEND but inserts a linefeed/CR after the text 
  COLS    - Set the number of columns
  CLEAR   - Clear the text from the window
  DISPLAY - Set the display state. Data = ICONIFY, DEICONIFY, FRONT, BACK
  EXIT    - Exit
  FOCUS   - Handle a focus change
  MENU    - Pop up the MENU (as from the middle mouse)
  REFRESH - Redraw
  REPLACE - Replace the text in the window with given text or Table.
  ROWS    - Set the number of rows
  TEXT    - Alias for append
  TITLE   - Set the title
  /COLS=   - Number of columns at startup [DEF = 80]
  /EDIT    - Make the text editable [DEF = NOT EDITABLE]
  /EXIT=   - mask to allow exit by [MENU]. All masks allow NONE and ALL
             to be used as well. [DEF=ALL]
  /ROWS=   - Number of rows at startup [DEF = 20]
  /SCROLL= - NONE, H = Horizontal only, V = Vertical only, HV = Both
             [DEF = NONE]
  /THEME=  - Color theme [DEF|WOB|BOW] DEFault, WhiteOnBlack, BlackOnWhite, etc.
  /TITLE=  - Set the window title