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Manage playback of a Midas file/pipe to an ICE packet stream

<input file>	Name of the input file/pipe
<output file>	Name of the ICEPacket output devICE/address/file/pipe

This routine writes data to an ICE Packet stream, which may be a file or
pipe (for testing) but is usually a devICE or Multicast port address. 

The Unicast format is:

The Multicast format is:

Where the first address and port are of the host network card to send from.
The second address is the Unicast or Multicast address and port to send to.

The packet parameters are read from the input file. 

  /CFG=table	Configuration table for a devICE
  /MAXOUT=n	Maximum number of samples in output file (file-to-file autostop)
  /WRAP		Wrap back to start of input file at EOF
  /RT		Throttle output stream to mimic real-time data rate of input file
  /SDDS		Use SDDS Packet header format instead of ICE Packet headers