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(draws a bare window with facilities for overlaying other windows)
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Latest revision as of 18:05, 27 April 2020

draws a bare window with facilities for overlaying other windows

<FILE> - Setup file or Macro name with pane placement and properties

This primitive is a raw window with an interactive panelizer holding multiple
panes.  Each panel is given an entry in the registry for other primitives to
draw into.  By default, the registry entry for the table of window panes is

The /SETUP switch is used to place the panel in "MACRO" mode.  In macro mode,
the config file name is generated by replacing the extension on the macro file
with '.mmp' for Midas Macro Panel.  If /SETUP=XYZ is specified, the extension
becomes '.mmpxyz', where 'xyz' is a user designated alternate setup.  The
default for /SETUP is "" creating the extension mmp.

The /TSETUP switch is used similarly to /SETUP, but with a couple important
differences. The main difference is that "/TSETUP=XYZ" will look for a
result variable (that is a table) named XYZ, and "/TSETUP=myFile.tbl" will
look for a text file (with a table format) named myFile.tbl. The use cases
of /TSETUP are listed below:
  Case 1: /TSETUP=<file>.tbl
    In this case, the given file will be treated as a table and used for the
    setup of the panel.
  Case 2: /TSETUP=<result table>
    In this case, the local result variables will be searched for the given 
    table variable. If not found, then the parent result variables will be
  Case 3: /TSETUP with no filename or variable name (e.g. "panel/tsetup/...")
    This case is treated the same as Case 1, where <file> is the base filename 
    of the macro.
Any graphical controls added to the panel using the WIDGET property will be
contained in a table that can be accessed through the CONTROLS property.  Thus
if the panels registry name is PANEL, the value of a gcontrol widget named FREQ
can be set with the following example line:

  gcontrol dval freq ...
  set gc.FREQ.value 1.33

where the /controls=gc is a reference to the REG.PANEL.CONTROLS list. Without
the /controls=gc switch, access to controls is available as:

  res  REG.PANEL.CONTROLS.FREQ.value 1.33

The panes in the panel are accessible through the PANES property table.  For
example, to set the title on the pane named PANE1:

  set REG.WIN.PANE1.TITLE "My Title String"

where the /panes=WIN switch specifies an entry in the REGISTRY called WIN for
the panes.  Without the /panes=WIN switch, access to panes is available as:

  set REG.PANEL.PANES.PANE1.TITLE "My Title String"

Normally, each pane in the panel is named with the ID of the primitive that is
to be displayed there.  This is performed by the ATTACH menu item in the
EDITPANE configuration option.  All configuration items may be accessed
graphically and saved to a setup file for future use.  

The panel setup configuration can be saved to a standard setup file (*.mmp), a
table setup file (*.tbl), or (as of NeXtMidas 2.9.0) a table result variable. 
The default setup file saved will be a .mmp file unless the /TSETUP switch
is present, in which case it will be a .tbl. In either case, the user can
change the file type by specifying the filename (with extension of either .mmp 
or .tbl) in the SAVE FILE prompt. 

Since NeXtMidas 2.9.0, the user can save the setup table in the results table 
for future use as a result. The result variable name will be the name of the 
variable that was used in TSETUP=<result>. If no result variable table was 
provided, a default result variable name of "SETUPTABLE" is used and stored at 
the PARENT level.

A graphical primitive (PLOT, LIST2, etc.) with a /WIN= switch will attempt to
attach to the named object.  A graphical primitive that does not have a /WIN=
switch will look in the REG.WIN table for an entry matching its /ID= value.
If not found, it will create its own window frame.

NOTE: A graphical primitive using a /WIN= that refers to a non existent pane in
a panel will have a delay before coming up and will eventually display in a new
window frame.

Multiple panels with different graphical primitives can be attached to them
using the combination of the /PANES= switch on the panel and /WIN= switch on the
graphical primitive (e.g. PLOT, LIST2). For example, to have two panels and
plots of world.prm and world.shp in each panel separately:
  ! setup two panels
  panel/panes=win1/setup=1  ! 1st panel using setup file <macrofile>.mpp1
  panel/panes=win2/setup=2  ! 2nd panel using setup file <macrofile>.mpp2

  ! attach plot of world.prm to first panel (win1) on pane1 (defined in .mpp1)
  plot/win=win1.pane1 world.prm
  ! attach plot of world.shp to second panel (win2) on pane1 (defined in .mpp2)
  plot/win=win2.pane1 world.shp

If the /GRID={table} switch is present, an NxM grid of evenly spaced panes is
generated regardless of the mmp file contents.  The table entries are
        NX - number of panes in the horizontal direction
        NY - number of panes in the vertical direction
        ID - id + index is the pane id
        NAME - name + index is the pane name
        TITLE - title + index is the pane title
        TS - the title size in pixels (=0 to suppress)

This primitive also has n timers where n may be set with the /NTIMERS switch.
A timer sends messages to the macro's processMessage procedure when the timer
activates.  To set up an interval timer at 2 second intervals:

  nM> set REG.PANEL.TIMER(0) 2

or to trigger a single event after 10 seconds:

  nM> set REG.PANEL.TIMER(0) -10

The timers respond to the MAIN macro id with the message name TIMER, the timer
number (0...n) in the info field and the current TimeOfDay in the data field.

Popping Out Graphical Primitive Panes from Macro GUIs
Typically, unless disabled, a user can click on the 'X' at the top-right corner
of a pane in a macro to 'POP' it out of the macro onto a stand-alone panel.
Clicking the 'X' again (or closing the panel) will 'PUSH' the panel back onto
the pane.

Since 3.1.0, users can click on the 'X' while holding the CTRL key down on the 
keyboard to bring up a small menu which prompts the user to select a destination
screen/display for the 'POP'. Note that users with Xinerama displays do not 
have multiple displays for this purpose. This behaviour can be disabled using
option=-AdvPushPopX for all panes on the panel command line, or setting
enableAdvancedPopOut to false in any graphical primitive.

Also since 3.1.0, the 'POP' message has been expanded. The QUALS field (Table)
can now be used to set the Display (DISP) and Bounds (X,Y,W,H) as in the
following example:
    res t:loc {DISP=^gc.winNo.value,BOUNDS={X=^gc.xpos.value,Y=^gc.ypos.value,&
    message send id=myplot name="POP" info=-1 quals=loc

Control Placement
By default controls will be stacked in the left pane (pane0).  The /OPTIONS
switch can be used to allow the controls to be compressed when they take up 
all of the vertical space. When a group of controls is opened, selecting the
COLLAPSECONTROLS option will collapse another control group to make space for
the group just opened.

If the controls still take up all of the vertical space, a scrollbar will appear
at the bottom (Since NeXtMidas 2.5.2).  This should not be used with the

Control Layout Updates
Typically, whenever a control is updated it indicates to the panel that the 
panel needs to update the layout. Updating the layout involves placing each 
control and using compression to make all the controls fit.

Since NeXtMidas 2.8.2, it is possible to set the panel to hold all the layout
updates. This is typically done when doing a large number of control updates
and the user does not want the panel to re-do the layout before all the
updates are done.
   set reg.panel.holdLayout true
   ...<do a bunch of gcontrol updates / changes>...
   set reg.panel.holdLayout false
Pane Icon Control
Since NeXtMidas 3.5.4, it is possible to add a second custom icon to the left
of the PUSHPOP icon and to control the action(s) of both the PUSHPOP and the
custom icon.  The custom icon can be the Shaded 'X' or any symbol supported by
nxm.sys.libg.Symbol class.
Example setting the PUSHPOP icon action to both message and PushPop, the 
custom icon to DIAMOND and the custom icon action to both autoCLOSE and Message:
Example setting the custom icon to the Shaded 'X' (with a default action of
autoCLOSE).  The PUSHPOP action is also left at the default of PushPop:

  ATTACH         - TBE
  BORDERS        - TBE
  BUTTON         - TBE
  CFG.ADD        - TBE
  CFG.LINE       - TBE
  CFG.PANE       - TBE
  COMMAND        - TBE
  CONTROLS       - TBE
  CURSOR         - Sets the normal cursor for panel ("Default,Wait,Hand,Move").
  DEBUG          - TBE
  DELETE         - TBE
  DOPOP          - TBE
  DRAG           - TBE
  DRAGBOX        - TBE
  ERROR          - (OUT) If the /HEADLESS tag is not set and the Shell is
                         detected to be headless, an error message is sent to
                         the macro to enable handling of the situation to
                         prevent the system from appearing to hang.(Since 3.5.0)
                         DATA = java.awt.HeadlessException
  EVENTS         - TBE
  EXIT           - TBE
  KEYPRESS       - TBE
  LOADFILE       - Loads a setup file when given full file name.
  LOADSETUP      - Loads a setup file when given ID (same as /SETUP switch).
  LOADSETUPTABLE - Loads the setup from a given table.
  MACRO          - TBE
  MENU           - TBE
  OPTIONS        - TBE
  PANEL          - TBE
  PANEL.CFG      - TBE
  PIPE           - TBE
  POINTER        - TBE
  REFRESH        - TBE
  RESIZE         - TBE
  SAVEFILE       - Saves a setup file (.mmp) when given full file name.
  SAVERESULT     - Saves setup to a results variable
  SAVETABLEFILE  - Saves a setup file (.tbl) when given a full file name
  SHOW           - TBE
  THEME          - Change the theme of the control panel and its widgets
  TIMER          - Message occurring at a user set interval (1 to n messages)
  WINDOW         - (IN) Internal message, not for general use.

  CONTROLS    - returns the table of control widgets
  PANES       - returns the table of window panes
  TIMER(n)    - sets interval (>0) or countdown (<0) timer in seconds
  WIDGET      - adds a control widget to the panel's control section
  OPTIONS     - set various options include (see /OPTIONS switch)

  The following creates a panel with a grid of panes numbered top-to-bottom and
  left-to-right, titled WIN1...WIN12.
    nM> panel/grid={NX=3,NY=4,TS=12,FILL=TBLR,TITLE=WIN}

  /CONTROLS=res      - Specifies result name pointing to the table of control 
  /CUSTOMICONACTION  - Action of the custom icon MESSAGE|CLOSE.  The default 
                       action is None,except where the custom icon is the
                       Shaded 'X'. When the icon is the Shaded 'X', the default
                       action is CLOSE (autoCLOSE the command and Pane and
                       resize the remaining Panes to fill the space)
                       Since NeXtMidas 3.5.4
  /CUSTOMICONSYMBOL  - Symbol used as the custom icon NONE,SHADEDX, or any
                       Symbol supported by nxm.sys.libg.Symbol (includes any 
                       individual character) [DEFAULT=NONE] 
                       Since NeXtMidas 3.5.4
  /EXIT=             - Mask of allowed EXIT events from RETURN,MENU,MESSAGE,WINDOW
                       [DEFAULT=ALL if piped or WINDOW otherwise]
  /GRID={table}      - Creates a grid of panes inside the panel. Table keys are:
                         NX    - Number of rows    [DEFAULT=4]
                         NY    - Number of columns [DEFAULT=4]
                         NAME  - Prefix for each pane [DEFAULT=GP]
                         TITLE - Prefix for pane titles, window number appended
                         TS    - Font (text) size [DEFAULT=10]
                         FILL  - LRTB=Left-to-right then top-to-bottom
                                 TBLR=Top-to-bottom then left-to-right
  /HEADLESS          - Do not show a window if TRUE [DEF=FALSE]
  /HIDEWIDGET        - Experimental switch to allow hidden widgets (ones not
                       supported by the current layer type) to be removed
                       Experimental switches can be removed in a future release.
  /INLINE            - Remove borders to allow embedding in another display
  /JSETUP=name       - Uses Java class as a setup file (e.g. SD360/jsetup)
  /LOGGER            - Enables display of INFO, WARN, and ERROR messages in the
                       bottom fixed region
  /MSGID=            - Message ID to which to send messages
  /NOPUSHPOP         - Disables user Push/Pop for a window (such as clicking the
                       'X' when popped out). This does not affect Push/Pop 
                       messages from a macro).
  /NOALTTITLE        - Disables automatic updates to the status/title bar text
                       from events such as mouse hovers. This will apply to ALL 
                       commands (plots, gcontrols, etc) in the control panel. 
                       Since 3.3.0.
  /NTIMERS           - Number of timers [DEFAULT=3]
  /OPTIONS=mask      - Sets the options for the panel (if present).
                         +RotateTabs       - Tabs rotate when selected.
                         +PushPopX         - Display the Push/Pop 'X' for panes.
                                             [enabled by default]
                         +CompressControls - Compress Controls to fit in window.
                                             [enabled by default]
                         +CollapseControls - Collapse Control Groups to fit.
                         +LockSetup        - Do not allow users to change setup.
                         +LockControls     - Do not allow users to move controls.
                         +AdvPushPopX      - (Since 3.1.0) Enable Pop Menu on
                                             CTRl+click 'X' [enabled by default]
  /PANES=res         - Specifies registry name to contain the table of panes
                       [DEFAULT=PUSHPOP] Since NeXtMidas 3.5.4
  /PUSHPOPICONSYMBOL - For Internal Use Only: Symbol used as the PUSHPOP icon 
                       PUSHPOP or SHADEDX.  Allows users to revert back to the 
                       old Shaded 'X' for the PUSHPOP icon [DEFAULT=PUSHPOP] 
                       Since NeXtMidas 3.5.4
  /SETUP=opt         - Uses alternate macro setup file. Use /JSETUP to use a 
                       Java class instead. [DEFAULT=Uses .mmp file]
  /TABS              - Deprecated - Use the /OPTIONS switch.
  /THEME=name        - Change theme to one of the predefined themes available in
                       nxm.sys.libg.Theme (DeskTop,Default,WoB,GoB,BoW,Browser,
                       Gear1,Gear2,Gear3,Gear4,Nak,etc.) [DEFAULT=ENV.THEME]
  /THEME={table}     - Creates a custom theme. Table keys are:
                        CBG  - background color
                        CFG  - foreground color
                        CWBG - widget background color
                        CWTS - widget top shade
                        CWBS - widget bottom shade
                        CWMS - widget middle shade
                        CWFH - current widget foreground highlight (Roll down
                               name color)
                        CWFG - current widget foreground color
                        CWTI - current widget title color
                       Acceptable values for all table keys are name or number
                       strings as specified in 
                       (see nxm.sys.libg.MColor).
  /TSETUP=tbl        - Uses a Table as a setup file (can be a .tbl file).
  /WMSGID=           - Message ID to which to send WINDOW event messages. If not
                       present WINDOW message is processed by the PANEL 
                       primitive [DEFAULT=null].
  /WPOS=             - Set the position of the plot when it opens, use the
                       syntax "WPOS=(X,Y,Width,Height)" where all values are in 

See Also: nxm.sys.libg.MColor, nxm.sys.libg.Theme, nxm.sys.libg.Symbol