From ICE Enterprises

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ICE's proprietary file system, IceFS, was developed to exceed demanding data acquisition rates. Traditional file systems such as EXT and FAT did not meet our throughput requirements. IceFS achieves near theoretical performance while minimizing the number of write cycles.

Benchmark Results

4U Server

Tested with 20 Savvio 10k.5 Spinning Drives

Read (10 reads, 4 threads, 100GB size)

Inner Cylinders: 145.13 MB/s per disk (2902 MB/s total)
Outer Cylinders: 80.49 MB/s per disk (1609 MB/s total)

Write (10 writes, 4 threads, 100GB size)

Inner Cylinders: 167.10 MB/s per disk (3342 MB/s total)
Outer Cylinders: 89.11 MB/s per disk (1782 MB/s total)

IcePod 6.5

Tested with 4 256 GB SSD Drives

Read (5 reads, 2 threads, 100GB size)

 258.21 MB/s per disk (1032 MB/s total)

Write (5 writes, 2 threads, 100GB size)

 236.87 MB/s per disk (947 MB/s total)

ICE Briefcase

Tested with 8 512GB SSD Drives

Read (10 reads, 2 threads, 100GB size)

 227.89 MB/s per disk (1823 MB/s total)

Write (6 writes, 2 threads, 100GB size)

 244.98 MB/s per disk (1959 MB/s total)