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Revision as of 18:04, 27 April 2020 by ConvertBot (talk | contribs) (includes a block of code from a text file into the current macro)
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includes a block of code from a text file into the current macro

<file> - Root name of the include file (extension is optional) []
<area> - Area of the option tree containing file [DEFAULT=MCR]
<opt>  - Option tree containing file

This command is intercepted by the macro loader to include blocks of code that
may be common to multiple macros (such as the definition of mathematical
constants). It should not be used to split macros into smaller files - as
this is bad form.

Things to Note
The include <file>;<opt> is available since NextMidas 3.7.1

	1. Include a file into the current macro using the option tree in which
	   the current macro is defined.   
	   nM> INCLUDE file
	2. Include a file into the current macro using the MCR area of the defined
	   option tree.
	   nM> INCLUDE file;SYS  ! this will look for the macro 
	                         ! into the MCR area of the option tree SYS
	3. Include a file into the current macro using the specified area and
	   option tree.
	4. Include a file into the current macro using the option tree in which
	   the current macro is defined. The file is surrounded by quotes.
	   nM> INCLUDE "file"