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Import a resource (file, environment variable, ...)

<IN>       - Input resource name. Quotes recommended. (Case-sensitive)
<OUT>      - Output resource name

Keyword Only Parameters:

<DEF>      - Default value (case-sensitive) for case when environment variable
             does not exist. Otherwise result will NOT be set (since 3.1.2).
<KEY=VALUE,...,KEYn=VALUEn> - additional arguments for /F (import file).

This command is intended to input an external resource of type:
  * OS Environment Variable
  * Non-Midas file

This command throws a Midas error if <IN> is not given.

If <IN> is "ALL", then <OUT> will be a table of all environment variables
found in the shell.  If <OUT> is blank, it defaults to the uppercase of <IN>.
the terminal only.

If the optional parameter <DEF> exists when importing an environment variable,
the given default value will be assigned to <OUT> in the even that the
environment variable does not exist.

If /F is applied, <IN> is the path to a non-Midas file of data.  This
command will create a detached Midas header named <OUT> and rename the
non-Midas file to <OUT>.det.  The size is initialized assuming the
non-Midas file is all data and of format SB.  Any key=value parameter
pairs place after <OUT> are applied to the new header the same as if
running the HEADERMOD command on the file.  See the EXP on HEADERMOD.

If /F is applied and <OUT> is blank, the detached Midas header file will
be created with the same name but a .tmp extension.  The non-Midas file
will not get a .det extension so it can still be used by other programs.

Note: SIZE and DATASIZE arguments are treated as special cases. (Note that
SIZE is number of elements and DATASIZE is size of data in bytes).

  SIZE: If the SIZE is specified on the IMPORT command line (e.g. SIZE=<value>),
        then the detached header file will be written to include <value> as the
        size, regardless of the actual number of elements

  DATASIZE: If the DATASIZE is specified on the IMPORT command line (e.g.
        DATASIZE=<value>), then the detached header file will be written to
        list SIZE as <value>/(bytes per element).

  If both SIZE and DATASIZE are specified on the IMPORT command line, then SIZE
  will have precedence.


  1. Set a result with the value of the OS environment variable JREHOME

    nM> import "JREHOME" jrehome  ! Note: quoting env var name prevents
                                  !       import from getting the VALUE
                                  !       of JREHOME on subsequent calls

  2. Set a result with the value of the OS environment variable JREHOME,
     but if that environment variable does not exist, put it in the results
     table with the given <DEF> parameter value:

     nM> import "JREHOME" jrehome DEF="my_jrehome_path"

  3. Import a file of 16 bit integers generated by MatLab

    nM> import/f myfile form=si

  4. Import a file and 'force' the header to display a different size (in bytes)

    nM> import/f in=testsine.bin form=cf datastart=512 datasize=800

  5. Import a type 3000 file

     nM>  import/f in=testcities.bin type=3000 form=nh &
                   sr=(POS/VD,NAME/1A) datastart=512

  /F    - Import a file. Will import env var if not set. [DEF=FALSE]
  /WARN - Turn on/off warnings in this command [DEF=TRUE]