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creates combinations signal waveforms of various shapes

<out>   Name of output data file
<config> Configuration file with entry for each waveform 

This macro combines the outputs of multiple calls to ICEWAVE to generate sample 
test environments.  See ICEWAVE for supported shapes.  The configuration file
consists of a list of parameters for the ICEWAVE primitive.

The first line of the config file contains the setting for the global parameters
in a serialized table format. For example:



  FORM  Format of output file (CI, CF, etc.)
  LEN   Length of output file in seconds
  RATE  Sample rate in MHz
  GAIN  Waveform amplitude scaling (0=nominal for given data type)

The /global=table switch can ge used to override this


  /TL=n		- Transfer Length elements [DEF=4096]
  /AUTO=ON|OFF	- Auto preview for any configuration change (def=ON)
  /GLOBAL={}	- Override global parameters
  /BATCH	- non-Interactive execution of ACTION=ARCHIVE