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(Functions for the ICE Development Environment)
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Revision as of 14:59, 27 April 2020

Functions for the ICE Development Environment

<function>    Function to perform 
<param 1:N>   Function specific parameters

This macro contains functions for ICE Software/Hardware development.
It can be used for card checkout and debug of deployed systems as well.

Note: When launched from the command line through the 'ice' alias:
This macro does not use the current Midas shell or auxiliaries.
It uses the hardware config file from the ICE tree and the user's home directory.
It uses $ICEROOT/jre/icedisk for the current Midas ramdisk.

Note: When launched from inside the Midas shell:
This macro uses the current Midas shell and auxiliaries.
It uses the hardware config file define by ENV.HWFILE.
It uses ENV.RAMAUX for the current Midas ramdisk.

The valid functions are:

	ACQUIRE <card> <file> 
	APP <args...> - see HELP on SNAPAPP
	ARCHIVE <func> <archfn> <top> <dur> <file>
	AUTOCONFIG - create local HW aliases based on auto-detection
	CHECKFLASH <card index> - check the flash contents for current CRC
	CLEAN - clean contents of ICE ramdisk
	CREATE <filename> <format> <samples> <rate> <shape> <amp> <freq> - create a file on the ICE ramdisk
	DETECT - detect all ICE cards
	DIR - show contents of ICE ramdisk
	DRIVER - show current driver status
	EXPLAIN - show this explain file
	FLASH <card index> <filename> - flash a pic card's EEPROM
	HELP <item> <category> - access the ICE help files
	HELP/GUI - access the ICE help with search GUI
	INSTALL - install the ICE drivers and software toolkits
	MAKE <type> - see HELP on ICEMAKE
        NET <func> <addr> <file> <flags> <size> <loop> - see HELP on ICENET
	PIC - run the PIC macro with args
	PFAT <card> - run the card's Post Factory Acceptance Test
	SHELL - starts an interactive shell
	SNAP <args...> - see HELP on SNAPPER
	STATUS <card> - show temp, route, and DMA status for a card
	TEST <type> <card> - see HELP on ICETEST
