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Revision as of 18:04, 27 April 2020 by ConvertBot (talk | contribs) (Display results parameters)
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Display results parameters

<LABEL> - Name of result parameter to get

Display (or get with the /RES switch) the result parameter given by <label>. 
String parameters will be displayed exactly as they are contained in the
results table. Numeric values will be written in base 10 but the radix can be
modified by the use of the proper switches. The radix switches are for use
with numeric data only, use of the radix switches with a Table or other object
will cause an error.

  1. Displaying string values:
        nM>res test_val "foo"
        nM>get test_val
         3S: TEST_VAL = foo
  2. Displaying numeric values:
        nM> res test_val 16
        nM> get test_val
         L: TEST_VAL  = 16
        nM> get test_val /hex
         TEST_VAL = 0x00000010
        nM> get test_val /radix=16
         TEST_VAL = 0x00000010
  3. Getting values (assumes test_val result is 16):
        nM> get test_val /radix=16 /res=out
        nM> res out
        10S: OUT             = 0x00000010

    /GLOBAL    - Sets the result in the GLOBAL results table
    /PARENT    - Sets the result in the PARENT result table
  Displaying Results:
    /ALL       - Display all results parameters, expand tables as necessary
    /RES=<res> - Output to this result instead of the screen, if a radix is
                 given and the value is a number, the value stored will be a
                 string representing the value in the given radix

    /BIN       - Display a numeric result in binary format (same as /RADIX=2)
    /HEX       - Display a numeric result in hex format (same as /RADIX=16)
    /OCT       - Display a numeric result in octal format (same as /RADIX=8)
    /RADIX=<n> - Display a numeric result with the given radix (2,8,10,16)

See also:  SET, RESULTS