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(Macro interface to Midas data(*.tmp,*.prm), text or other files)
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Latest revision as of 18:04, 27 April 2020

Macro interface to Midas data(*.tmp,*.prm), text or other files

<FUNC>   Function to perform:  CLOSE, COPY, DETACH, EDIT, NAME, NEXT, OPEN,
<LABEL>  Label of results parameter that will reference Text or Data File object
<P1>     First <FUNC>-dependent parameter
<P2>     Second <FUNC>-dependent parameter
<P3>     Third <FUNC>-dependent parameter

Enables a macro command to perform I/O with a Midas text or data file. If the
end-of-file is encountered during READ and DEBUG ON IO is applied, a WARNING
will be issued.

NeXtMidas supports a number of file types, not just Midas Blue files.  A partial
list of supported files includes:

  File Type                      Extension(s)   Supporting Class
  ------------------------------ ------------   ----------------
  * Midas Blue                   tmp, prm       nxm.sys.lib.DataFile
  * Text                         txt            nxm.sys.lib.TextFile
  * Comma-Separated-Value (CSV)  csv            nxm.sys.lib.CsvFile
  * Audio                        wav            nxm.sys.lib.DataFile
  * Image                        jpeg,jpg,gif,  nxm.sys.lib.ImageFile
  * Shapefile                    shp            nxm.sys.lib.ShapeFile
                                 dbf            nxm.sys.lib.DbfFile
  * Zip                          zip            nxm.sys.lib.ZipFile

  * Multi-Resolution Seamless    sid            nxm.map.lib.MrSidFile
    Image Database (MrSid)

For a complete list of file extensions mapped to Java supporting class, type
  nM> res reg.handlers.file

    Close the file referenced by <LABEL>

  COPY - FILE COPY <LABEL> <P1=target file>
    Copy a generic, unopened file named <LABEL> to <target file>. This performs
    a BINARY copy of the file.

    One or more of the following modifiers can be attached to the COPY function:
      /F - Overwrite target file if it exists
      /M - Make directories as required if they do not exist

    The output <target> file's size is pre-allocated to the input file's size
    on disk (since NextMidas 3.1.2). This can be disabled via the
    {PREALLOCATELENGTH=false} file qualifier on the output file name.

  COPY/L - FILE COPY <LABEL> <P1=target file>            (Since NeXtMidas 2.5.0)
    Copy a generic, unopened ListFile named <LABEL> to another ListFile named
    <target file>. This can be used to convert between file types (e.g. CSV to
    PRM or PRM to CSV) provided that both types implement the ListFile

    One or more of the following modifiers can be attached to the COPY function:
      /F - Overwrite target file if it exists
      /M - Make directories as required if they do not exist

    See /PROPAGATE= (since NeXtMidas 2.5.0) and /PROPMASK= (since NeXtMidas
    3.3.0) for options controlling the propagation of column definitions and/or
    other header/keyword values.

    Since NeXtMidas 3.3.0 it is possible to include output columns that are
    automatically computed from the input file. This is done by adding one or
    more of the following file-qualifiers to the output file:
      TIME_NAME=[col]  - Name of the column to be populated with the computed
                         time values. The time value inserted will be a Time
                         object (which will convert to String/number as needed).
                         This is only applicable when the input is:
                           - DataFile (time value taken from df.getTimeAt()), or
                           - PlotFile with UNITS=TIME_S or UNITS=TIMECODE (value
                             is computed from pf.getStart() and pf.getDelta())

      ABSC_NAME=[col]  - Name of the column to be populated with the computed
                         abscissa values. This is only applicable when the input
                           - DataFile or PlotFile (value is computed from
                             pf.getStart() and pf.getDelta())

      INDEX_NAME=[col] - Name of the column to be populated with the computed
                         index value. This applies to all file types and is
                         automatically computed based on the (zero-based) row

    The primary use of TIME_NAME=, and ABSC_NAME= is in a DataFile to CsvFile
    conversion where this information would otherwise be lost. If TIME_NAME=
    or ABSC_NAME= are used in a situation where they are not applicable, the
    default value for that column (0 or "") will generally be inserted.

    When using TIME_NAME=, ABSC_NAME= or INDEX_NAME=, if the column identified
    already exists in the input file, the value from the input file will be
    ignored in favor of the computed value (where applicable) -- EXCEPT when
    the column name is given with a "+" prefix (e.g. TIME_NAME=+TIME) in which
    case the value from the input file will be kept.

  DETACH - FILE DETACH <LABEL=file> <P1=data_file_ext DEF=det>     (Since 2.9.1)
    Rename <LABEL=file> to <file's_basename>.<data_file_ext> (if it exists and
    contains an attached header) and create a new detached header (BLUE) file.
    The header is created on the same AUX as the original file and the data
    offset is set such that the data portion of the input file is not disturbed
    (i.e. the original file is not modified it will still contain an unused
    header which is ignored by all Midas commands). This is the same as
    "DETACH <file>" in X-Midas. For Example:

    One or more of the following modifiers can be attached to the this function:
      /F - Overwrite target file if it exists
      /D - Split the <LABEL=file> into a header-only detached header (BLUE) file
           and copy the data section into a data-only file
           <file_basename>.<data_file_ext> (starting at offset 0). This similar
           to using "NOOP origfile newfile{det=data_file_ext}"

    nM> file detach   testfile.tmp
    nM> file detach/d testfile2.tmp raw

    Edit the opened .txt, .html, or .rtf file referenced by <LABEL>.
    (reserved for future implementation)

  NAME - FILE NAME <LABEL> <P1=pathlist> <P2=root name> <P3=extension>
    Form a name in a system independent manner from <pathlist>, <root name>,
    and <extension>, storing the assembled name into the results parameter named
    <LABEL>.  The <pathlist> parameter must be in the form (top,next,lower,...)
    as shown in the example below. NOTE: On Windows, you cannot specify a
    mapped drive in your path; you must use the full path. See AUXILIARY.

  NEXT - FILE NEXT <LABEL> <P1=string>
    Read the next valid line from the opened file referenced by <LABEL> into the
    results parameter named <string>.  This command interprets continuation
    characters and comment characters as they are in macros, .KEY files, and
    other Midas text files.  If an end-of-file or file error occurs, <string>
    receives the value "NULL".

  OPEN - FILE OPEN <LABEL> <P1=filename>
    Open a file named <filename> and store a reference to resulting TextFile,
    DataFile or BaseFile object in the results parameter named <LABEL>. The
    following switches can be attached to the OPEN parameter:

      File Type: (default based on file extension)
        /D   - Treat the file as a DataFile (Midas Blue File)
        /T   - Treat the file as a TextFile (can not be combined with /D)

      In/Out Mode: (default is INPUT)
        /A   - APPEND to an existing file
        /N   - Create a NEW file for OUTPUT
        /W   - Open an existing file for INPUT/OUTPUT (this keeps file header
               but does not advance write pointer to the end of the file - in
               most cases /A is what you want, not /W)

    If neither /T or /D is specified, the type is determined from the extension
    or the {FG=x} qualifier and handled by the class named in REG.FILE.HANDLERS.

    To apply other flags when opening the file use the FLAGS="" qualifier with
    the flag names (Input|Output|Wrap|Append|Flush|NoAbort|Optional|Native):
      nM> file open/t tag temp.txt{flags="APPEND|FLUSH"}

    Once the file is open it is possible to find out what methods are available
      nM> query <LABEL>

    ** Note: In NeXtMidas 2.4.0 TextFile assumes that {FLAGS=NOABORT} is always
             set. Since 2.5.0 this behavior is deprecated and NOABORT will only
             be used when explicitly set. To disable the deprecation warnings,
             set {FLAGS=NOABORT} or {FLAGS=FORCEABORT} when opening a TextFile.

  PROTECT -  FILE PROTECT <P1=filename>
    Sets the protected flag in the header of a DataFile (.tmp or .prm) to true.

  READ - FILE READ <LABEL> <P1=element>
    Read the next element from the opened file referenced by <LABEL> into the
    results parameter named <element>.  If an end-of-file or file error occurs,
    <element> receives the value "NULL" (when <LABEL> references a TextFile

    Note: Prior to NeXtMidas 3.3.0, calls to READ that were at end-of-file
          erroneously returned a data buffer (with junk data) in cases where
          <LABEL> pointed to a DataFile.

    Rename the unopened file named <LABEL> to <P1>  One or more of the following
    switches can be attached to the RENAME parameter:
      /F - Overwrite target file if it exists

    Save the unopened file named <LABEL> by changing its extension to .prm

    Sets the protected flag in the header of a DataFile (.tmp or .prm) to false.

    View the opened .txt, .html, or .rtf file referenced by <LABEL>.
    (reserved for future implementation)

    Append <data> to the end of the opened file referenced by <LABEL>
    (data is String when <LABEL> references a TextFile object)
    (data is Data/Table when <LABEL> references a DataFile object)

 1. Define the structure and open a new type 3000 file for writing, write one
    element, and then close the file
      nM> file open/d/n tag temp{sr=(LAT/SD,LON/SD)}
      nM> res tag.setdata(0,"LAT") 77.7
      nM> res tag.setdata(0,"LON") 99.9
      nM> file close tag
    Note: the quotation of record names inside the method signature is HIGHLY

 2. Open a file for reading and writing with its existing structure intact
    (assumes file exists)
      nM> file open/d/w tag temp
      nM> res tag.getdata(0,LAT)
      D: TAG.GETDATA(0,LAT) = 77.7

 3. Load a row of data from the type 3000 file into a table
      nM> file open/d tag temp
      nM> res tab tag.getDataTable(0)
      nM> res tab
      T: TAB             = Table of 2 entries
      D:  LAT            = 77.7
      D:  LON            = 99.9

    NOTE: To read through and process an entire file from the macro language,
          see FOREACH.

 4. Form a full file name on a UNIX system
      nM> file NAME fullname (home,user,temp) myfile ext
      nM> res fullname
      26S: FULLNAME        = /home/user/temp/myfile.ext

 5. Convert a comma-separated value (CSV) text file into a table
      nM> file open filetag nxm.sys.dat.airports.csv{HEADERROWS=1}
      nM> res t:tbl filetag.toTable(ROW_)
      nM> file close filetag

 6. Protect or unprotect a file
      nM> file protect temp
      nM> file unprotect temp

 7. Copy a CSV file to a BLUE (.prm) file:
      nM> file COPY/L test_list2_colors.csv{COLUMNNAMES='ID,COLR'} myfile.prm

 8. Copy a BLUE (.prm) file to a CSV file:
      nM> file COPY/L testxy3000.prm myfile.csv{HEADERROWS=1}

 9. Copy a BLUE (.prm) file to a CSV file, but copy include the columns
    named "ABSC" and "ORD" in the new file:
                   testxy3000.prm &

 10. Define the structure and open a new complex type 2000 file for
     writing that has 3 frames; write one frame, and then close the file
       nM> file open/d/n tag temp{TYPE=2000,FORM=CF,FRAMESIZE=3}
       nM> file write tag {F1=(1.0,1.0),F2=(2.0,2.0),F3=(3.0,3.0)}
       nM> file close tag

  /CLEAN           - Cleans the string from a READ or NEXT operation [DEF=FALSE]
  /PROPAGATE=[T|F] - Used with COPY/L: Propagate column definitions from input
                     file to output file. [DEF=TRUE]
  /PROPMASK=[mask] - Used with COPY/L: Mask controlling the propagation file
                     header values, other than the column definitions (which is
                     controlled by /PROPAGATE=). This is most frequently used to
                     propagate the xStart/xDelta values and the keywords
                     (e.g. /PROPMASK=ALL). Since 3.3.0 [DEF=NONE]
  /TL=             - Transfer Length (bytes) used with FUNC=COPY [DEF=32768]
                     Since 3.1.2