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creates a new plot feature and adds it to a plotter

<NAME>  The Feature class name or fully qualified class name (rarely used).
<LABEL> Results label to referencing the object.
<TABLE> Table of arguments to initialize the object via the setKey interface.
<PLOT>  The ID of plotter to which to add feature.

This command creates a new Feature object for attaching to a plotter. All the
positions are in real world coordinates (RWC) in terms of the plotter. If they
are out of the plotter's bounds, they will not be displayed.

The class name specified by <NAME> specifies a custom Feature subclass.
Most users will simply leave <NAME> blank and use the default (which is
documented here). If <NAME> is not a fully qualified class name, a prefix of
nxm.sys.libg.Feature is assumed.

If <TABLE> is specified, layer.setKey() will be called for each element in the
table. The following values in the <TABLE> are typically set:

NOTE: Quotes are recommended around table value to prevent collisions with
      results parameters!!!

  NAME="<name>"         Sets the name/label of the feature (used by plotter).
  TYPE="<type>"         Sets the feature type (mask value) (see below).
  COLOR="<color>"       Sets the color of the feature.
  FILLCOLOR="<color>"   Sets the fill color for certain feature types (defaults
                        to COLOR= if this is not set.
  X=<x>,Y=<y>           Sets the center point of the feature.
  DX=<dx>,DY=<dy>       Sets the width and height of the feature (where
                        applicable). Including diameter of CIRCLE features
  XMINMAX=<x1,x2>       Sets the X and DX values (calculated from given input)
  YMINMAX=<y1,y2>       Sets the Y and DY values (calculated from given input)
  T=<t>,DT=<dt>         Sets the parameters for time-based features (see below).
  SEMIMAJOR=<semimajor> Sets the semi-major for the ELLIPSE features (in meters)
  SEMIMINOR=<semiminor> Sets the semi-minor for the ELLIPSE features (in meters)

If <LABEL> is specified, a reference to the feature is stored in the results

If <TABLE> NAME is not specified, the feature is given a unique name.  The name will be <LABEL>, if
that is available and unique.

If <PLOT> is specified, the feature is added to the named plotter.

  The feature type is set using: table={TYPE=<type>}
  Where <type> is one of the following feature types or a combination of the
  following feature types (e.g. table={TYPE=HLINE|VLINE}).

  All positions are in real world coordinates (RWC). Most sizes are in RWC
  except for when SYMBOL type is used when drawing features of a fixed
  pixel size (i.e. their size is constant at all zoom levels). When drawing a
  feature whose size matches real world coordinates use the all other types such
  as BOX, CIRCLE, OVAL, etc.

    If the feature is a SYMBOL (TYPE=SYMBOL in <table>) then the parameters of
    that symbol can be set by putting a LINE={..} entry in the table. The most
    commonly used symbol settings are:
        Where <sym> is one of the following:
          CROSS   - A 'x' symbol.       TRIANGLE,  TRI  - A triangle symbol.
          PLUS    - A '+' symbol.       UTRIANGLE, UTRI - A triangle (up).
          STAR    - A '*' symbol.       DTRIANGLE, DTRI - A triangle (down).
          CIRCLE  - A circle symbol.    RTRIANGLE, RTRI - A triangle (right).
          SQUARE  - A square symbol.    LTRIANGLE, LTRI - A triangle (left).
          DIAMOND - A diamond Symbol.   ASCII-<str>     - An ASCII string <str>.
          DOT     - A small dot/pixel.  <single letter> - A single ASCII letter.
          ARROW   - A block arrow.      NONE            - No symbol used.
          AERO    - An airplane symbol.

        Note: As of NeXtMidas 2.7.0, an image can be used in place of the pre-
              defined Symbols above by replacing the symbol name with the file
              name for the image, (e.g. SYMBOL="nxm.sys.dat.network.png" )

        Sets the symbol size (in pixels).

        Indicates if the symbol should be filled in ('yes' or 'no').

        Use ONE of these to set the symbol angle.
          SYMBOLANGLE    - The angle of the symbol (counter-clockwise from east)
          SYMBOLANGLEDEG - The angle of the symbol (counter-clockwise from east)
          SYMBOLHEADING  - The angle of the symbol (clockwise from north):
                             North: 0 or 360     East: 90
                             South: 180          West: 270

    Highlights the enclosed data. Typically used on a line plot to highlight a
    portion of interest.

  HBAR    (Since NeXtMidas 3.3.2)
    Draws horizontal bar (filled box using FILLCOLOR) at Y-DY/2 and Y+DY/2
    along the *vertical* axis.
    E.g. this fills in the area between the HLINE type.

  VBAR    (Since NeXtMidas 3.3.2)
    Draws vertical bar (filled box using FILLCOLOR) at X-DX/2 and X+DX/2.
    along the *horizontal* axis.
    E.g. this fills in the area between the VLINE type.

    Draws two horizontal lines (one at Y-DY/2 and one at Y+DY/2 along the
    *vertical* axis).

    Draws two vertical lines (one at X-DX/2 and one at X+DX/2 along the
    *horizontal* axis).

  XLINE   (Since NeXtMidas 2.9.0)
    Draws two lines with respect to the Plot's view (one at plot x=X-DX/2 
    and one at plot x=X+DX/2). In the normal Y vs X plot these lines will be
    vertical, and in the rotated X vs Y plot these lines will be horizontal. 
    (Note: If DX is zero, only one line will be drawn.)

  YLINE   (Since NeXtMidas 2.9.0)
    Draws two lines with respect to the Plot's view (one at plot y=Y-DY/2 
    and one at plot y=Y+DY/2). In the normal Y vs X plot these lines will be
    horizontal, and in the rotated X vs Y plot these lines will be vertical. 
    (Note: If DY is zero, only one line will be drawn.)
    Draws a box centered at (X,Y) with height DY and width DX. To fill the box
    use TYPE="BOX|FILLED".

    Draws a circle centered at (X,Y) with diameter of MAX(DY_in_pixels,
    DX_in_pixels), where the number of pixels for width or height is dependent
    on the scale for that axis. To fill the circle use TYPE="CIRCLE|FILLED".

    Draws an oval centered at (X,Y) with height DY and width DX. To fill the
    oval use TYPE="OVAL|FILLED".

    Draws a geodetic ellipse centered at (X,Y) ellipse dimension SEMIMINOR,
    SEMIMAJOR, and TILT. SEMIMAJOR & SEMIMINOR are in meters. TILT is in
    cardinal degrees (90 = horizontal). The ellipse will follow the curvature
    of the Earth.  ELPS is designed for Map views ONLY.

    Labels the feature with a tag along the left/right/top/bottom axis. The tags
    are drawn outside of the axis unless IPLT is specified.

    (NOT USED)

    (NOT USED)

    Shows the tags (see LTAG,RTAG,TTAG,BTAG) inside the plot axis.

    The vertical position of the feature (Y) should ride along the plot value.
    Typically used in combination with SYMBOL on a line plot to mark the data
    value at a given X value.

    Legacy feature, in most cases it is best to use TYPE="SYMBOL",
    LINE={SYMBOL="CIRCLE"} in place of this.

    Same as TEXT. Deprecated since NeXtMidas 2.3.0.

    When coloring the feature use the inverse color of the plot data. Typically
    used over a raster plot to ensure that the feature will stand out regardless
    of the color of the plot.

    Show a text label for the feature.

    Legacy feature, in most cases it is best to use TYPE="SYMBOL",
    LINE={SYMBOL="TRI",SYMBOLFILL="ON"} in place of this.

    Fills a BOX, CIRCLE, or OVAL feature with FILLCOLOR. Note that this has no
    affect on symbols, which have a separate SYMBOLFILL option (see above).

Time-Based Features:
  Note: Time-based features are disabled by default by setting dt=-1, they can
        be enabled by setting dt>=0.

  Time-based features comprise a special class of features. These features are
  typically used on falling rasters of real-time plots to indicate a time-
  relevant event. To use a feature as a time-based feature simply set dt to a
  non-negative value. This will cause the values of y and dy used when plotting
  the feature to be computed on t and dt rather than using a fixed y and dy.
  Time-based features "expire" as soon as ANY part of the feature is in the
  "past" (i.e. outside of the current range of the plot). Once a feature has
  "expired" it will be drawn over or erased.

  For performance reasons, time-based features with dt > 0 that "wrap around"
  the plot will not be drawn in "wrapped" form. Please use the line features
  in place of box features where this may occur.

  Time-based features use the first plot layer (i.e. the first pipe/file) as
  their time reference. If there are no layers in the plot the features may not
  be drawn in the correct position.

Changing values in Features:
  It is possible to update an existing Feature by changing its values. For
  example, to change the location of a Feature labeled 'fcirc':
    nM> set fcirc.x 50
    nM> set fcirc.y 10

  Each of the above commands changes the corresponding Feature value and calls
  refresh(). If you are updating a many attributes of feature, as of NeXtMidas
  2.7.2 you can temporarily disable the call to refresh():
    nM> set reg.idplot.holdRefresh features
            -  or  -
    nM> message func=sendw id=idplot name=HOLDREFRESH data=features

  Warning: In order for your updates to take effect and be displayed, you must
  unblock refresh().
    nM> set reg.idplot.holdRefresh none
            -  or  -
    nM> message func=sendw id=idplot name=HOLDREFRESH data=none

  The following examples assume a PLOT command is issued as follows (note that
  the examples should each be on one line, line breaks added to fit page):
     nM> plot/bg/id=myplot apenny

  1. Add a CIRCLE to the plot (that has a constant real-world size):
       nM> feature label=fcirc plot=myplot &

  2. Add a CIRCLE to the plot (that has a constant screen/pixel size).
     Note that X= and Y= are still in RWC:
       nM> feature label=fcirc plot=myplot &

  3. Add a red triangle SYMBOL to the plot:
       nM> feature label=fsymbol  plot=myplot &

  4. Add a large red triangle SYMBOL to the plot:
       nM> feature label=fsymbol plot=myplot &

  5. Add a blue feature to the plot that has horizontal and vertical lines:
       nM> feature label=flines plot=myplot &

  6. Add an ELLIPSE to the plot tilted -45 degrees.
       nM> feature label=fellipse plot=myplot &

  7. Remove a feature named "MYFEATURE" from the plot. The name should
     correspond to the NAME= key in the table used to create the feature.
     (Note this does not remove the local variable <LABEL> from the results.)
       nM> invoke junk reg.idplot.removeFeature("MYFEATURE")

  8. Remove a feature "MYFEATURE" from the plot. (Note this does not remove the
     local variable <LABEL> from the results.)
       nM> invoke junk reg.idplot.removeFeature("*")


See Also: nxm.sys.libg.Feature, nxm.sys.libg.Line, nxm.sys.libg.Symbol