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NeXtMidas software demonstration macro

This is a demonstration macro designed to present some of the capability of
NeXtMidas in the following areas:
    1) GUI development
    2) Signal Processing
    3) Graphics - Geoplots, rasters and spectra
    4) Macro-level command-line interface

While the DEMO macro is in fact only a demonstration, it can be used by
users and developers as an example on how to put together graphics-based
macros.  Within the DEMO macro a wide range of NeXtMidas capability is

The left-most section of the window is the control area for the graphics
macro.  This control section consists of the following parts:
    MACRO         - Run, Pause and Stop buttons for the macro
    Waveform      - Control section for the Real-Time Spectra display in the
                    right-most part of the window and the Audio Spectra
                    display below it.  Provides the ability to change the
                    wave shape and the sine frequency of these spectra.
    GeoPlotter    - Provides the means to change the view of the geodetic
                    plot of the earth in the center screen.  It also
                    provides feature control (adding new, moving, clearing).
    Demodulator   - Provides the means to change the demodulation mode
                    (i.e., FM, AM, etc).  See the DEMOD explain file
                    for more detail on this capability.
    Audio Mixer   - Provides the means to change Gain, Low, Mid and High
                    filters for the audio spectra.
    Audio Spectra - Sample plot of a piped audio file.
    Other         - Sample of a graphical monitor for a data pipe.

 1) These control sections may be rolled up/down by clicking on the title areas
    MACRO, Waveform,... This is particularly useful for saving screen space.

 2) Numeric values may be entered/changed by:
    a) RIGHT-MOUSE(RM) click on the number an enter desired value
    b) LEFT-MOUSE(LM) click on a number place and then changing the values
       by clicking on the diamond. The values go UP/DOWN with a LM click or RM,

The center section of the window consists of the following:
    Map Display   - A plot of the earth in geodetic view.  The view of the
                    earth can be changed via the GeoPlotter control section
                    described above or by right-clicking on the pane to
                    display a multi-level pop-up window.  Also by right-
                    clicking, holding, and moving the mouse the earth will
                    rotate.  By left-clicking and dragging the mouse, the
                    plot will be zoomed to the section selected (as defined
                    by the "box" constructed via the mouse movement).  By a
                    combination of rotating and zooming any point of interest
                    on the earth can be viewed.
    Macro Window  - This is labeled "RunTime Macro Language Interface", and
                    is actually a mini command-line interface.  Any NeXtMidas
                    command can be typed into the small rectangular window
                    below the horizontal scroll bar and the results of that
                    command will be display in the window above (with the
                    nMP> prompt).  This is particularly useful for displaying
                    files via the FILES command.

The left section of the window consists of the following:
    Real-Time Spectra - A mini spectral display.  Its parameters can be
                        controlled via the control area as described above.
    Static Raster     - This is a plot of the MIDAS type 2000 file called
                        apenny.prm.  This plot demonstrates the capability of
                        NeXtMidas color-mapping.  As with any NeXtMidas plot
                        it can be zoomed via left-clicking-and-dragging and it
                        can be altered via a right-mouse click that presents
                        a multi-level pop-up window.

Additionally, developers can examine the GUI definition file associated with
the DEMO macro (called demo.mmp and located in the nxm.sys.mcr directory) to
determine how to define the geometry of NeXtMidas GUI displays, as well as to
see how the .mmp file is linked to the macro code (in the .mm file).

  /SERVER=port - Enable RMIF and HTTP server listening on given port.  [DEF=OFF]

SEE ALSO: SD360, nxm.sys.mcr.demo.mmp