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Evaluates a polynomial on a range of integers.

<OUT>		 - Name of output file to write results to.
<COEF>		 - Name of Data object in results table to read coefficients.
<NDATA>		 - Number of points to evaluate at.
<FORMAT>	 - Format of the output file.
<START>		 - Sets abscissa start of the output file.
<DELTA>		 - Sets abscissa delta of the output file.
<UNITS>		 - Sets abscissa units of the output file.

Evaluates a polynomial at integers between 0 and <NDATA> and outputs the 
results to <OUT>.  

The polynomial is gathered from a Data object in the results table having the 
same name as <COEF>.  The object is assumed to be a double array containing 
the coefficients for the polynomial in increasing degree (1, x, x^2, etc.).  

FORMAT, START, DELTA, and UNITS are optional parameters.

  1. The following will create a 4k element file, create a polynomial to fit 
    the data, then evaluate the polynomial. fit_copy should be identical to fit.
    nM> wave in elem=4k form=SD
    nM> polyfit in 20 coef poly fit err
    nM> polyeval fit_copy coef 4k

See Also:  POLYFIT