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SONET Interface Module For Use With ICE-PIC6
Notice: End-of-Life has been announced for this product. It has been superseded by the ICE-SONET-R7. Please see End-of-Life for details.


  • Dual-site module, uses both I/O ports of ICE hardware/rumeL signal transformation systems
  • Bidirectional, dual fiber interfaces USER SELECTABLE TO ANY LINE RATE From 155MHz to 10.8GHz-
  • Predefined Line Rates For SONET and SDH Signals-OC3,OC12,OC24,OC48,OC192,G.709FEC OC48 and OC192
  • INPUT: Port 1 & Port 2 is capable of realtime demux of OC192 or G.709FEC OC192 to user selectable OC3, OC12, or OC48
  • INPUT: Port 1 & port 2 is capable of realtime demux of OC48 to user selectable OC3 or OC12
  • INPUT: Port 1 & port 2 is capable of realtime demux of OC12 to user selectable OC3
  • OUTPUT: Port 1 & port 2 is capable of "cloning" STM1, STM4, or STM16 to higher level STM4, STM16, or STM64
  • Output reference provided by onboard reference or user selectable 10MHz external reference
  • Provides bit packing, frame alignment, and descrambling/scrambling of predefined signals
  • Rx 1310nm or 1550nm; Tx at 1300nm
  • Activating Rx acquisition provides for feed through to Tx port of Rx data
  • X-Midas/NeXtMidas and C user interfaces
  • ICE provides systems capable of input/output of full STM OC192 rates with full integration of hardware and software (full "turn-key" solutions)

Port Modes: Acquisition & Playback PREDEFINED Line Rates and Signal Types

SONET-r6 Acquisition Signal Types

  1. G.709 FEC OC192
  2. OC192
  3. G.709 FEC OC48 (no demuxing)
  4. OC48
  5. OC12
  6. OC3

SONET-r6 Playback Signal Types

  1. G.709 FEC OC192
  2. OC192
  3. G.709 FEC OC48 (no demuxing)
  4. OC48
  5. OC12
  6. OC3

Note: Acquisition/playback of ANY line rate is possible between 155MHz and 10.8GHz. The above signal types are predefined for user applications.

Flag Usage

SONET-r6 Side #1 & Side #2 Acquisition/Playback Flags

  • OC192: logic signal type OC192, may be used with G709FEC flag for G.709 FEC encoded signals
  • OC48: logical signal type OC48, may be used with either demux flags or G709FEC flag but not both
  • OC12: logical signal type OC12, may be used with demux flags
  • OC3: logical signal type OC3

Additional Flags For Use with Side #1 or #2 Flags

G709FEC: Input signal is G.709 FEC encoded:

  • For SONET-r4 #1 side: must be used with OC192 Flag
  • For SONET-r4 #2 side: must be used with OC48 & FRAMINGOFF flags, demux flag not allowed

FRAMINGOFF: Acquire or playback data as it appears on the fiber optic line. Frame alignment and de-scrambling of data are turned off. This flag may NOT be used with demux/cloning flags.

Demux/Cloning Flag Options--To Be Used with Side #1 or #2 Flags


  • For acquisition: pull out single OC3 stream from either an OC12, OC48, or OC192 source
  • For playback: replicate the data N times within hardware to form a higher rate signal. For OC12 N is 4, OC48 N is 16, and for OC192 N is 64.

This flag requires the use of OC12, OC48, or OC192 flags and OC12, OC48, or OC192 signal input.


  • For acquisition: which OC3 to pull from OC12, OC48, or OC192 signal
  • For playback: specify any number for x
  • Values of x for an incoming/outgoing OC12 are 0 thru 3
  • Values of x for an incoming/outgoing OC48 are 0 thru 15
  • Values of x for an incoming/outgoing OC192 are 0 thru 63

This flag requires the use of the OC3FROMOCX flag


  • For acquisition: pull out single OC12 stream from either an OC48 or OC192 source
  • For playback: replicate the data N times within hardware to form a higher rate signal; for OC48 N is 4, and for OC192 N is 16

This flag requires the use of OC48, or OC192 flags and OC48, or OC192 signal input.


  • For acquisition: which OC12 to pull from OC48 or OC192 signal
  • For playback: specify any number for x
  • Values of x for an incoming/outgoing OC48 are 0 thru 3
  • Values of x for an incoming/outgoing OC192 are 0 thru 15

This flag requires the use of the OC12FROMOCX flag.


  • For acquisition: pull out single OC48 stream from an OC192 source
  • For playback: replicate the data N times within hardware to form a higher rate signal; for OC192 N is 4

This flag requires use of OC192 flag and OC192 signal input.


  • For acquisition: which OC48 to pull from OC192 signal
  • For playback: specify any number for x
  • Values of x for an incoming OC192 are 0 thru 3

This flag requires the use of the OC48FROMOCX flag.

Side #1 or Side #2 Acquisition Flag Examples

G709FEC,OC192,OC48FROMOCX,OC48NUM=0 Demux 1st OC48 From G.709 FEC Encoded OC192 Input
OC192,OC12FROMOCX,OC12NUM=2 Demux 3rd OC12 From OC192 Input
G709FEC,OC192,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=63 Demux 64th OC3 From G.709 FEC Encoded OC192 Input

Side #1 or Side #2 Acquisition Flag Examples

G709FEC,OC48,FRAMINGOFF Acquire Full G.709 FEC OC48
OC48 Acquire Full OC48
OC48,OC12FROMOCX,OC12NUM=2 Demux 3rd OC12 From OC48 Input
OC12,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=3 Demux 4th OC3 From OC12 Input

Side #1 or Side #2 Playback Flag Examples

OC192, OC48FROMOCX,OC48NUM=0 Clone OC48 4 times to produce OC192 For Output
OC192,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=0 Clone OC3 64 times to produce OC192 For Output

Note: G.709FEC playback on port #1 has not yet been implemented and cannot be used.

Side #1 or Side #2 Playback Examples

G709FEC,OC48,FRAMINGOFF Playback Full G.709 FEC OC48
OC48 Playback Full OC48
OC48,OC12FROMOCX,OC12NUM=0 Clone OC12 4 Times to produce OC48 Output
OC12,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=0 Clone OC3 4 Times to produce OC12 Output
OC48,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=0 Clone OC3 16 Times to produce OC48 Output

C Program Date: Sept, 9 2012

Program works with ice361-08 (and higher). It includes support for SONET-r1, -r2, -r4, -r5, and -r6 modules. To build the software, copy the zip package to <install path>/iceXXX/test directory, where <install path> is the directory structure where the ICE software package iceXXX was installed. The directory iceXXX represents the software version; e.g., ice361-08, ice361-10, etc.

Unzip to produce 2 files: testsnt.c and buildsnt.lnx. Finally, to build the software type: source buildsnt.lnx Sourcing the build script will causing the program testsnt to be built. During compilation of testsnt, progress messages will be printed to the user.

The testsnt.c C program has been updated to work with 64 bit operating systems and compilers.

Zipped version of testsnt.c AND buildsnt.lnx:

testsnt C Program Explanation/Examples

New testsnt.c program examples

./testsnt  <mod type>  <card number>  <"acq" or "play">  <size in GBytes>  <loops>
    <path & filename> <flags> <port number>  <path & filename> <flags>

<mod type>           module type r1, r2 ,r4, r5, r6 For SONET Modules SONET-r1, SONETR2,
                     SONET-r4, SONET-r5, SONET-r6 respectively

<card number>        ICE PIC card number in system, 0 for first card, 1 for second card, etc.,
                     depending on which card is in use

<"acq" or "play">    acq will cause the card/module to acquire data, play will cause the
                     card/module to playback data

<size in GBytes>     size of acquisition or playback in GBytes

<loops>              represents the number of times to "loop" through a file for playback,
                     always set = 1 for acquisitions

<port number>        set to 1 for operation on port 1, set to 2 for operation on port 2,
                     set to 3 for operation on both ports 1 & 2

<path & filename>    acq, specify path & filename of where data is to be written  or play,
                     path and filename for playback of data

<flags>              see flag descriptions and examples above

Examples of using the flags above with the testsnt program

The examples make 2 assumptions:

  1. The OS driver was setup to allocate enough memory for card usage.
    The testsnt program will request from the driver:
    • 4048 MBytes for OC48 rates
    • 512 MBytes for OC12 rates
    • 128 MBytes for OC3 rates
    Therefore, for the desired data rate, the driver previously must have been setup to allocate at least the amount requested.
  2. The disk RAID (mounted on /raid for the examples below) used for acquisitions/playbacks is capable of writing/reading at the example signal rates.
    • OC192-1280Mbytes/Sec
    • OC48-320Mbytes/Sec
    • OC12-80Mbytes/Sec
    • OC3-20Mbytes/Sec

Note the use of commas and no spaces between flags at the end of the command line string.

./testsnt  r6  0  acq  10  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  G709FEC,OC192,FRAMINGOFF
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 10 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is a G.709 FEC encoded OC192. Turn OFF framing for FEC type signal.
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  10  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  G709FEC,OC192,FRAMINGOFF,SNTALTPORT
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 10 Gigabytes from PORT 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is a G.709 FEC encoded OC192. Turn OFF framing for FEC type signal.

Note: for OC192 and G.709FEC signals on PORT 2 for full line rate acquisitions(no demuxing, the above syntax must be used- set port=1 and use SNTALTPORT flag.

./testsnt  r6  0  acq  10  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  G709FEC,OC192,OC48FROMOCX,OC48NUM=0
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 10 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • Input signal is a G.709 FEC encoded OC192. Demux out the 1st OC48 and store to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  10  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  G709FEC,OC192,OC48FROMOCX,OC48NUM=0
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 10 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • Input signal is a G.709 FEC encoded OC192. Demux out the 1st OC48 and store to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  10  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC192,OC48FROMOCX,OC48NUM=0
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 1, from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat.
  • Output data is an OC192, which is created by cloning 4 times OC48 data from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat

Note: FEC playback on port 1 is not allowed.

./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC192,OC12FROMOCX,OC12NUM=3
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • Input signal is an OC192. Demux out the 4th OC12 and store to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  5  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC192,OC12FROMOCX,OC12NUM=0
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 1, from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat.
  • Output data is an OC192, which is created by cloning 16 times OC12 data from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • "Loop" at the end of file to replay data 5 times. In short, playback file 5 times.
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC192,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=14
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • Input signal is an OC192. Demux out the 15th OC3 and store to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  8  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC192,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=0
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 1, from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat.
  • Output data is an OC192, which is created by cloning 64 times OC3 data from file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
  • "Loop" at the end of file to replay data 8 times. In short, playback file 8 times.
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 20 Gigabytes from port 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is a G.709 FEC encode OC48. Acquire entire signal to file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  20  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  G709FEC,OC48,FRAMINGOFF
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 2, from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat.
  • Output signal type is G.709 FEC OC48
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC48,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=14
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is an OC48. Demux out the 15th OC3 and store to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat.
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  8  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC48,OC3FROMOCX,OC3NUM=0
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 2, from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat.
  • Output data is an OC48, which is created by cloning 16 times OC3 data from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • "Loop" at the end of file to replay data 8 times. In short, playback file 8 times.
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC48
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is an OC48. Acquire entire signal to file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC48
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 2, from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat.
  • Output data is an OC48, which is aken directly from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat-with no cloning.
  • Playback file once and stop.
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  1  /raid/xmidas/test1.dat  OC12
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 1 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is an OC12. Acquire entire signal to file /raid/xmidas/test1.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC12
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is an OC12. Acquire entire signal to file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC12
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 2, from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat.
  • Output data is an OC12, which is aken directly from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat-with no cloning.
  • Playback file once and stop.
./testsnt  r6  0  acq  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC3
  • From SONET-r6 module on 1st card aqcuire 100 Gigabytes from port 2 to filename /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
  • Input signal is an OC3. Acquire entire signal to file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat
./testsnt  r6  0  play  100  1  2  /raid/xmidas/test2.dat  OC3
  • Output data on SONET-r6 module on 1st card, port 2, from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat.
  • Output data is an OC3, which is aken directly from file /raid/xmidas/test2.dat-with no cloning.
  • Playback file once and stop.


EOL has been declared for this model: see End-of-Life for details. Please call for pricing and availability.